Welcome to SlayYourContent💖

Hey girl!

Question for you: Have you ever experienced the feeling of knowing you could be doing so much more in your business and/or career?

That although you were achieving some level of success, you were still only scratching the surface of your true potential?

Recently, I was chatting with my college sister-friend who is a Mary Kay Sales Director and owns a web design company. The girl is the bomb💥 at what she does and continues to lead and empower women to be more through entrepreneurship.

She was like, “girl, I’m only dabbling in my potential and we’re still doing well. If only I could give more effort I would literally blow people’s minds🤯!”

Can you relate at all?

This is why I started SlayYourContent.

You see, I’ve been having these internal conversations for far too long…knowing that I have a gift, the skill and expertise that can change a womenpreneur’s business dramatically.

We all know content is king. But, many womenpreneurs are unsure on how to create and leverage it in a way that positions them as the go-to chick in their game.

Content that engages. Content that serves. Content that impacts.

Yet, this is my sweet spot.

It’s what I do on the daily in my career and what I’ve done for years as a blogger, freelance ghostwriter, and content strategist.

I’ve created a ton of content published on authoritative sites like Forbes and SocialMediaToday for clients.

I’ve also crafted compelling email campaigns that improved engagement and sales.

Thing is, I’ve been eager to share my know-how with the world.

This is especially the case for women entrepreneurs who desire to be a game changer in their space.

I started SlayYourContent because…

I want to help you separate from the competition. It seems everyone is doing what you’re doing–and that very well may be the case–but you can leverage content in a way that gives you an amazing edge in the industry

Help you expand your audience by focusing on value-rich content. You know, content that answers questions and solves problems. Yeah, let’s focus on that!

To decrease the overwhelm of content planning and strategy and share actionable tips and stuff you should focus on. No fluff or busywork (I hate busywork)

Also share what has helped me increase my productivity in my career, making 2020 my best year yet

To show you how to create content your audience loves, likes, and clicks

Feature the latest trends in content marketing. What’s working, what you should implement, and the tools to get you there

To foster a community that focuses on a growth mindset and improved performance

Forces me to continue to grow, sharpen my skills and aim to be the best in the game while empowering you to do the same!

Sis, I’ve got so much in me that I’m ready to unleash so you can experience real success in your content strategy.

You can do it! 

So, go ahead…let’s slay some content!

