If you’ve been studying digital or online marketing, perhaps you’ve run into this superstar, Amy Porterfield.

Amy is an online marketing expert who has built an amazing empire inspiring women entrepreneurs to package their brilliance and expertise into digital courses, email sequences, and online trainings. 

From her podcasts and blogs to her workshops and bootcamps, Amy is indeed blazing a trail for all women leaders to follow…and I’m sooo watching!

Now, why am I starting this blog giving her mad props and kudos, you might ask? Because I had an opportunity to learn directly from her during the EPICWOMAN Conference in Dallas, TX. 

And she was A👏🏽MAZ👏🏽ING👏🏽 

I took in so much and I’m eager to share with you one of my biggest 💡 moments.

It made me think: 

Yes! That was my exact formula I used once upon a time that set me up for $1000 days consistently.

When I began neglecting pieces of this formula, that’s when my results fizzled…and so did my income.

So, the steps I’m sharing with you absolutely work! Not only from my personal experience but also from the digital marketing shero herself. 

If you work this formula consistently for 90 days, you will see a change in your online presence, lead generation, and income.

And the beauty is, anyone can do it

Whether you’re still working your 9-5 to fund your business, a full-time entrepreneur wearing all the hats, or a work-at-home mom still trying to figure things out, you can follow these three steps to achieve real results in your business.

And I’m here for it!

#1 Share Social Media Content Daily

This is the part of the formula I put on the back burner. Today, people are expecting to connect with brands on social. Period. 

Tbh, I thought I could do my thing hiding out at Pinterest due to social media burnout. Pinterest technically is not a social media platform but operates more like a search engine (and I’m with it!).

Yet, social media creates communities. I know that connecting with my audience on Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn is what will build that know, like, and trust factor faster.

How to Post Daily

What created consistent results for me on Facebook was having themed days (if you’ve been reading my posts, you know that I’m a big fan of this method).

Themed days make content planning easy. You’re not wondering what you’re going to post/talk about each day…you simply create your themes and, as you’re batching content, you’re plugging in what fits for that day.

Here’s an example schedule :

  • Monday – TGIMonday: share a motivational quote with a message that speaks to the hearts of my people
  • Tuesday – Tactical Tuesday: highlight a tip or best practice and how to implement it 
  • Wednesday – WCW: spotlight a femalepreneur that’s killing it in the industry OR spotlight a customer testimonial. 
  • Thursday – #TBT: an old picture and/or a story
  • Friday – Promote a sale
  • Saturday – Open, family-related 

Get clear on where your ideal customer hangs out at and commit to spending more time there, whatever platform that is. The goal is to get really good at generating consistent results there before you take on others. 

Now, this doesn’t mean you neglect your other social platforms entirely. It does mean you’re planting your flag and being intentional about learning all the things to keep improving your metrics/numbers until you get the desired outcome(s) you’re looking for.

The quickest way to do this: invest in others who are doing it well. 

Buy their training or digital courses to shorten your learning curve. Spending money to learn from the best will get you to gold faster.

#2 Post a Blog Post or Podcast Episode Weekly & Share with Your Email List…Weekly

Listen! I loved how Amy gave big props to blogging and podcasts. Why? Because I feel there’s so much attention around social media marketing that we miss the value of publishing longer-form content.

Just for you, a few reasons why having a blog or podcast strategy is simply smart content marketing: 

  • Go deeper into addressing a problem, answering a question, or showing your people how to accomplish something
  • There’s tons of SEO value. If your long-term goal is to show up in search results, longer-form content is it
  • Pull quotes, social media snippets, live video topics, and more from one piece of blog or podcast content
  • It’s out there forever…longer shelf life than social media posts
  • Baby, are viewed as an expert in your topic! Point blank.

Finally, you have value-rich content to share with your email list, whom we should be communicating with, at a minimum, on a weekly basis!

So, if you do not have a consistent blog or podcast strategy, decide today on the one and get started in building out your platform. 

Here are two good resources that get the ball rolling:

How to Start a Blog for Beginners, a Step by Step Guide

How to Start a Podcast Step-by-Step

#3 Promote Your Lead Magnet

Ever heard of the saying, “the money’s in the list?” 

It’s true.

So much so that we should be generating leads every day! 

See, the truth is, you own your email list, not your social media followers. If Zuck decides to pull the plug on FB, we’d have no worries! We have our email subscribers to continue connecting with.

In fact, do you remember when FB was down for the day either last year or the year before? Amy recalls the day when it happened. Her team sent an offer to their email list…and from one email generated a whopping $17,000 in one day.

That’s the true magic of ongoing nurturing and relationship building with your list. 

Where to Start with Your Lead Magnet

Your lead magnet should come directly from your offer.

I made the mistake of creating new lead magnets with no intent or purpose besides generating leads. 

While that’s a good start, your lead magnet should do three things:

  1. Offer incredible value. Your people should be wow’ed by your freebie!
  2. Lead to your offer. So when people opt in, the next page should ideally be a sales page
  3. Come directly from your offer. Instead of building from scratch, you’re taking a piece of your offer and packaging it into a lead magnet.

This is working smarter and not harder. In fact, I talk about this in great detail in my online training, 90-Day Content Blueprint Mini-Course

How often should I promote my lead magnet?

Great question! If you’re promoting organically, then once a week will do.

If you’re using paid ads, you can definitely promote it daily. With ads, you have more people viewing your content with audience segmentation. Your reach is much greater than your existing followers, who will see you as overly promotional if you promote daily organically.

Pinterest Ads has been a game changer for me in generating high-quality leads daily and sales for my book and mini-course. I’m excited to share my learnings with you soon. Stay tuned!

(If you want to stay in the know, join my newsletter so you’re the first to know when I start training on Pinterest Ads!)

Who Runs the World? Girls!❤️

Before you go, hear Amy prophesy that women will one day take over this industry called digital marketing. I’m here for it!


Any ah-ha moments for you? Share them in our Facebook community! See you there