Are you frustrated with being inconsistent in your content? 

Maybe you can’t seem to find the pockets of time to post on social media every day or blog for the week.

Or, for the third week in a row, you missed connecting with your email subscribers because something else came up.

Girl, believe me…I can sincerely relate to you!

This is why I’m deciding to batch my content instead of trying to think about creating it on an everyday (or every other day) basis. 

content batching

You see, I also have a full-time career (high five👋🏽 to dualpreneurs!!!). So, along with the normal day-to-day tasks of being a wife, mom, and managing a household, dutiful responsibilities can impact my content marketing.

Yet, there are people waiting for me to share my brilliance so they can be impacted and transformed through my message.

And I believe the same for you, too.

Yes, the world is waiting for us to share our knowledge, inspiring words, products and services so they can live their best life. 

Girl, our ideas are life changing.

And the more we share our content and build trust with people, the more we generate revenue in our businesses to experience the true freedom of entrepreneurship.

But, our content must be consistent.

This is why content batching is a must for your strategy.

What is Content Batching? And How Do I Create Bulk Content?

In the video👇🏽, I explain…

  • Content batching 
  • The benefits of having it in your content marketing strategy, and 
  • An awesome next step to getting it done guaranteed!

Join Us in the Next Content Batching Workshop

Want in on the Live Content Batching Workshop? Fill in your name and email below and I’ll keep you in the know. This is the exact coworking situation you’ve been waiting for to get it all done.

Let’s go!👇🏽