Pssst…ready to share content that converts into revenue, leads, and new clients?


Because listen, at the end of the day, our biggest priority as entrepreneurs is ensuring we’re doing the things daily to generate revenue for our business…

And that includes our content marketing strategy.

You see, it’s cool to have fun, lifestyle social media pieces, but in business, we gotta keep the main thing the main thing: getting our offer in front of (targeted) people.

Every day we should be publishing at least one piece of content that is meant to drive leads or drive transactions.

That is how we best serve people…through our paid products and services.

It’s not about being salesy.

It’s about getting our message in front of people who we can help and bless the most.

That’s the goal of content marketing!

We need more people saying “hey, yes! I want to book a sales call with you!” or, “yes, I want to join your email list!”

As your content coach, I’m ready to plop some mean, money-generating content examples on your screen that you can begin implementing right now!

Let’s do this!

Be on the lookout for these fun emojis to support your content strategy:

  • 💲 – Fast, right-now money-making content 
  • ❤️ – My favorite content pieces! These boys have treated me well for my lead gen and sales
  • 💰 – Bag-securing content! With a little elbow grease, these content pieces can translate into highly profitable revenue streams for your business 

🤞🏽 Oh, read all the way to the end to get your game plan on how to get the most from this resource.

#1 Client Testimonials…from You!

Reviews, testimonials, client success stories, and user-generated content are all powerful tools to build credibility and trust with potential clients. 

But how do you turn these valuable pieces into revenue? Highlight your client testimonial in a video and then, in your call to action, direct people to book a sales call with you OR link to your freebie offer. Ask, “Are you ready to experience a similar transformation in your business/life? Book a sales call with me…”


#2 Webinars, Master Classes, Online Trainings…yes, they still work❤️

Online trainings are compelling content types that allow people to get to know, like, and trust you. The point of it all is to generate leads and sales while amplifying your thought leadership. You’re attracting them to your freebie offer (the training) and you’re seeding your paid offer throughout the training to entice people to buy at the end.

#3 Case Studies…Bring them into the world of the client

Case studies are strong storytelling tools, especially for the B2B space. Great case studies highlight the pain the client was experiencing before they met you, the journey of how they found you, why they hired you, their experience as a client, and the transformation they experienced.

Here are a few examples and resources, the first written by yours truly:

#4 Allow me to reintroduce myself💲❤️

My name is HOV. 


But think about it: how many people know exactly what you do? Let’s not leave it up to chance. Create a social post clearly introducing yourself to your FB followers, even if you think they already know. 

Here’s an example of mine, which landed me two new recurring clients!

#5 Mini Email Course

You don’t have to have fancy course platforms like Kajabi, Kartra, or Teachable to deliver amazing course-rich content to your people–at least while you’re trying to build up traction. Back in the day, we would drip course content over a 3 or 5-day period via email. 

Aaaand, a mini-email course can boost your email engagement metrics with high open and click-through rates!

It’s a win win🙌🏽

#6 15-min Free Coaching Session

Offering free coaching sessions is an incredible opportunity to share value, offer a quick win, and get a new fan of your brand. You also get to hear directly from your people, giving you amazing content and product ideas. 

Offer these as a way to build your email list, get them in your funnel, and hear out the pain points.

#7 Calendar or Spreadsheet Tool❤️

My top-performing lead generation tool is my content calendar! This bad boy brings in leads even when I’m not actively promoting it. 

What’s an easy tool you can create for your audience? Consider a challenge they have and what they can use to get them a quick win.

#8 DIY Templates

Or, consider templates. If you’re a graphic designer for example, maybe offer three Canva templates with a short video on how entrepreneurs can brand it with their own colors…

If you can create a “plug-n-chug” situation, your template will be all the more appealing.

#9 Free Private Facebook Group

Girl, yes! When people join your community, and when they have to agree with the terms/group rules, get them to agree that it’s also cool to add them to your email list. While you’re at it, ask targeted questions to learn more about the obstacles they’re having as it relates to your industry. 

Always be collecting data!

#10 Promote Your Newsletter💰

Newsletters are incredibly profitable. Once you get a certain subscriber count (say, 10,000), you can begin selling sponsorships upwards in the thousands$$$ per email to have brands promote their products in your newsletter.

I know because, as a creator marketer, I work with newsletter creators to make this happen for them! 

So, when marketers tell entrepreneurs to “build your list, build your list, build your list…” there’s so much more opportunity that lies behind this strategy. 

Btw, are you subscribed to my newsletter? Be the first to get amazing content like this delivered right to your inbox weekly! 

#11 Mission-driven Content

People, particularly millennials, are buying from brands that support a cause and share the same values, beliefs, and vision. What’s the why, the mission you’re going after…the bigger community impact you’re seeking to make? Share that. Your tribe will effortlessly show up!

#12 How-to Content❤️

Actionable content always wins. You’re giving away valuable info that positions you as a credible source AND gets your audience to generate a fast result. We’re not giving away the farm but we are including a CTA to get them to opt into our subscriber list so we can nurture and sell to them on the back end.

#13 Quizzes Are Fun…and People Love them!

Yup, because we’re innately curious and eager to learn more about ourselves. What makes quizzes super valuable? When it helps to segment your audience…straight out the gate! This way, you can send targeted email campaigns based on their results.

But, they must include their email to get the final results…which you will then deliver to their inbox. 

I just found out that Canva has a quiz maker


#14 Downloadable Worksheet

Speaking of Canva, why not whip up a one-page worksheet that breaks down a 5-7 step process to achieve a task or goal? Again, the theme is giving our people easy, quick wins with our free content.

If they can accomplish something from our blogs, emails, and social media posts, imagine what they can experience with your paid offers.

That’s the feeling we want to leave with our prospects!

#15 Create a Slack Group/Channel💰

Instead of hosting your free group on Facebook–especially with the way the algorithm game is played, not nearly as many folks are seeing your content–consider using Slack as a way to engage your community.

In fact, there are a host of Slack groups that are serving niched communities.

Slack groups can serve as a long-term profitable play. As your numbers continue to grow, you can consider hosting a paid Slack community as a membership product where participants access premium content, engage and network with others in the industry (opening doors for partnerships and collaborations), and they have an opportunity to promote their product/service.

In fact, here are several paid Slack communities to drive home the concept.

#16 eBook

If you have a corporate or B2B audience, eBooks are excellent lead magnets to capture qualified leads. They truly position you as an established thought leader and offers you a chance to share valuable insights. 

Although they take some time to put together, they are well worth the investment if you’re aiming to attract more business leads. 

#17 Book a Sales Call💲

Inviting people as a call to action to book a sales call with me is becoming my favorite and easiest tactic to convert clients.


Because those who book with me know that they’re going to be sold to. It’s right in my Calendly form! They have to agree that it’s cool for me to share my services that will be an ideal fit based on their goals or the solutions they need.

I’m not disguising it as a straight discovery call. It has the word “sales” in the event type.

And these calls have a HIGH closing rate!

#18 Waiting List

Curiosity entices people to take action. A waiting list builds a curious-like emotional response, causing people to wonder what’s behind the closed doors. FOMO is a real motivator and can easily push those who are straddling the fence right on over to the other side!

My Word Stylistz sistah, Apryl Beverly, currently has a waiting list for her membership, The Copy Closet–which I’m a proud member of. I’m sure the anticipation is creating tons of urgency to join the list AND be ready when the doors open…

Btw, her membership is absolutely BOSS!! You can join her waiting list here

#19 Limited-time Coupon Code💲

Log into your Stripe or Square account and whip up a 25% off coupon code that only lasts three days. Start it on a Friday (hint hint, when most people get paid) and share it with your email list, social pages, and customers.

This is a cool strategy to get some right-now sales especially if you can couple it with a special occasion or a holiday.

#20 Host a 3 or 5-Day Challenge❤️

IMO, a challenge is the mother of content-converting content! There’s so much packed into this beast technique that yields brand awareness, leads, upsells, KLT (know, like, trust), immediate high-paying clients, future high-paying clients…and let’s not talk about the confidence you gain from hosting one.

Thing is, there’s a LOT of work that goes into planning and executing a challenge, but when done right, can literally transform your business. One of my favorite resources, Profitable Launches by Ronnie Tyler, breaks down the planning process to ensure you have a successful launch.

You can get it free here (only pay for shipping)!

Caution: These Tips Won’t Work Unless You Do This‼️

There’s one thing that all of these types of content that converts have in common: they include a call to action (CTA).

It’s you telling your audience what to do (i.e. “book a sales call,” “subscribe to my newsletter”). 

It’s a key ingredient to leveraging all of thes pieces to your advantage!

Now, as promised, your next steps

#1 Choose one of the following and post on social media NOW…tuh-day!

Get into the habit of taking action quickly…even if it’s a small action.

#2 Commit to three of these types and work them into your content marketing. 

#3 Download your free content calendar to stay organized and consistent  👇🏽

To your utmost content success,


Your Content Business Coach