June Content Ideas 2023

Summer is here! The kids are out of school or home from college and your routine is about to look a little different over the next few months.

With warm days ahead and good times, this doesn’t mean that your content strategy has to suffer or be neglected. 

Yes, we can still be consistent in our marketing this month while enjoying more time with family and friends… 

Which is why I’m sharing some juicy content ideas for the month of June to support your blog, social media, live video, and/or email marketing strategy. 

You see, one of the biggest challenges I’ve heard from entrepreneurs like you is coming up with topic ideas. 

Well, this blog will help get your creative juices flowing so you can continue dropping some amazing valuable nuggets to your customers and followers.

Let’s keep your brand top of mind with these June content ideas. They’re sure to keep your internet streets chattering this month.

#1 Productivity Golden Nuggets

The days ahead are filled with more daylight hours, sunshine, and amazing weather. Some of us (like this girl here🙋🏽‍♀️) can lose focus; anticipating that vacation or time outdoors. 

How can your people remain focused this summer? What kind of productivity hacks, tools, and nuggets can you give so folks are staying the course?

Share what’s working for you! Even if you think it isn’t important or seems small, your advice can help someone break through those mundane moments.

Yes, do share!

#2 Father’s Day

Ever noticed that fathers don’t get as much love as the moms do on their day? Our dad constantly teased us about this growing up lol. Well, you can totally love on the dads across your platforms. 

Ideas include:

  • Highlighting dadpreneurs who are crushing it in your industry, 
  • Featuring products from your product/service shelf that serve as great dad gifts…and share why. Be sure to do this early enough so people have time to deliver before the date
  • Shouting out your own dad and how he’s made an impact on your entrepreneurial/career journey

The latter brings a personal touch to your content; inviting people in and building a greater connection with your people.

#3 High School Graduations🎓

Graduation season is still in full swing and congratulations are certainly in order. These young adults have worked so hard and its such an exciting moment as they step into their next journey. 

Post an inspirational social media message encouraging them to do great things and that they have what it takes to succeed. Highlight grads in your family. 

Congratulations + a motivational message always stands out.

#4 Juneteenth🖤❤️💛💚

Juneteenth commemorates the ending of slavery in the United States. As a Black woman, it is truly a day of celebration yet also a reflection on how far we have to go to end systemic racism that sadly plagues our nation.

Whether a blog article, email message, or social media post, acknowledging Juneteenth is a way to show your advocacy and appreciation of equality and inclusion. Discuss the importance of representation, share stories of trailblazing black women entrepreneurs, and provide resources for fostering a more inclusive environment.

You could also invite a DEI expert on your podcast to speak on this topic.

Mind you, there are so many celebrations happening in June that seek to uplift suppressed voices. Use your platforms to take a stance on social issues that are near and dear to you.

#5 Spotlight Black-Owned Businesses✊🏽

Stay with me on the Juneteenth theme a bit. Spotlighting black-owned businesses is a beautiful way to foster economic empowerment, inspire change, and actively contribute to creating a more inclusive and supportive business landscape.

In fact, if you’re looking for brands to promote and support, visit Nandi’s List; the world’s largest directory of Black women-owned businesses.

You are appreciated🙏🏽

#6 Prime ‘em for Your July 4th Specials🎇

If you’re running any specials or launching new products for the 4th of July holiday, mid-June is the best time to begin priming your audience about your sales.

Use the beginning of this month to craft your email marketing campaign. Get them loaded into your email tool like ConvertKit, GetResponse, or ActiveCampaign so they can run on automation.

Set it and forget it!

#7 Get Your Audience Ready for Quarter 3

Ah, this is a big one! July kicks off Q3 and indicates we’re halfway through the year. How can you help your customers and followers finish 2023 strong?

What product or service makes sense for you to promote that gets your people ready to have a successful quarter? 

I’m promoting my Content Calendar course since this is a big time for business owners to map out their content for the quarter. As most entrepreneurs are short on time and need a calendar, this course helps them create their quarterly calendar in one afternoon.

content calendar course

Regardless of the industry you’re in, everyone can capitalize on this moment. July 1st is almost like the second New Year. 

#8 2024 Is On the Table!

And it is.

Many businesses are doing their annual planning and budget for 2024 now. Is there an opportunity for you to stand out and position your business as a solution for 2024? 

Again, if it makes sense for your business, begin speaking to this audience. Highlight how you know this is their season for annual planning. What are the challenges and the discussions that are often happening, and how can your content bring value and solutions?

#9 Summer Reading List

Y’all remember the summer reading program when we had a list of books to read over the summer before entering the next grade or freshman college year?

I never read any of them😂. 

I was like, “This list is for the birds!” Haha.

Now, it’s sooo ironic seeing that I read on average 2-4 books per month (I absolutely love reading).

What are the top 10 books your people should be reading? Why are they important? What are some of the breakthroughs/golden nuggets/learnings they’ll gain from the book?

Don’t just simply share books…give them a reason to take action.

You can also become an Amazon Affiliate so you earn commissions anytime someone buys the book from your link 

Deciding to whip one together? Please share your link with me! I’m always eager to find a good read. 

#10 Your Favorite Business or Go-to Tools

I recently did a survey with my email list asking what were the biggest challenges they were having with blogging, content strategy, and email marketing.

A challenge that popped up was around tools: What tools do you use to remain efficient in content marketing?

We can help our audience be efficient by sharing the tools we use that help us get our job done. This can be a list of apps, SaaS platforms, physical tools…whatever.

Again, you can also consider becoming affiliates of these services. Every time you refer someone, that’s money in your pocket or savings from the platform you use.


#11 Summer Self-Care

Thankfully, there is such a big movement around mental health and how important it is for us to take care of our well-being.

As we’re leaving May which honors Mental Health Awareness, we can continue the conversation and the things our followers can do to ensure they’re nurturing their mental being.

What does that summer self-care look like? Give specific examples. Share a video so people can see how passionate you are about the topic.

Followers often remember how you made them feel. This is one topic that everyone can relate to or find common ground with.

#12 Refresh Your Existing Content 

Content refresh is a hot content marketing strategy right now. We can polish up old content on our blog, update and make ‘em fresh, and then repromote them to boost traffic flow.

It’s genuinely working smarter with your content strategy because you’re using existing content…and making it better.

Cheers to that!

Here are some suggested pointers to kick off:

  • Visit your Google Analytics and start with your highest trafficked pieces. 
  • Ask yourself: How can you better optimize that page to make it more valuable and increase conversions? 
  • Update content that has outdated information or is no longer relevant
  • Update your core and pillar pages
  • No need to tinker with content that isn’t performing

Consider checking out the anatomy of a content refresh here for a more in-depth and actionable resource.

#13 The Hottest Conference Events Happening In Your Industry

More and more networking events are resuming their in-person schedules. What are some of the biggest events your followers should be at this summer (or year)? 

Offer full details like the purpose, speakers, dates, location, and why this is a must-attend event. 

If you plan on attending, do create a content strategy around it.

For example, I did a blog post highlighting an event I was an ambassador for called EPICWOMAN. The beauty is, because I plan to be a regular attendee, I can revisit and update this post for the next event…refreshing that content and giving my post all kinds of SEO juice!

Shameless plug: If you’re in the Atlanta area this month, I’m attending TSP Live, a digital marketing and sales training conference that shows you tactics on how to increase your traffic, drive more sales, and boost your profits. See you there?

#14 Comparison Post

How do you compare to other top brands out there? What’s your differentiator…your sweet spot…what makes you stand out?

Although I haven’t done a comparison post, these types of content pieces are best industry practices. People are often searching for how you weigh up to competitors.

Now, we’re never bad-mouthing another brand (how does that make us look lol). Yet, we’re giving an honest assessment/review of their product and customer experience and then sharing our side.

This resource offers amazing examples of comparison posts and how to write a great one.

#15 Your Top 5-7 Best-Selling Summer Products

Shoutout your biggest summer sellers and share why people love them so much. What are the benefits or specific challenges they solve? 

Our customers want to know what’s in it for them. Being clear on how our products or services solve their pain points gets us to that emotional connection that encourages folks to click the buy button.

Testimonials sell. Reach out to past customers and see if they’re willing to give you a review–whether an official one or simply replying back to your email or DM. No matter how it looks, sharing stories on how your products are transforming lives is excellent social proof.

#16 Roundup of the Most Influential Podcasts in Your Industry

Being a curator of content separates us from brands. Oftentimes, many businesses just want to share their stuff…their content.

Yet, highlighting others shows we care about our customers’ experience with our brand. We don’t know everything, and we can showcase others’ brilliance to help fill in those gaps.

Also, being resourceful keeps people hanging around us. We’re curating amazing content from other sources/brands that keep them educated and in the know…

And they’ll remember you for it.

Now that I’m done with my preamble lol, curate a list of the most influential podcasts (or blogs, or websites, or social media pages) in your space. Give props as to why these leaders are game-changers and how your readers can learn from them.

#17 Encouraging Word for Overcoming Challenges

Think about the unique challenges your audience experiences in their day-to-day. What are some ways you can acknowledge and offer encouragement and support?

You see, by addressing these hurdles head-on, we can empower our people to navigate their path to success. Offering strategies and advice for overcoming these obstacles becomes a catalyst for resilience and growth…

And it shows that we’re empathetic to their challenges.

June Content Calendar: Keep Your Ideas Organized

These content ideas should give you some good fodder as you flesh out June’s content. 

Here are your next steps to making this actionable:

  1. Choose the content topics that make sense to your brand. 
  2. Plan the topics in a calendar and identify what content type it will be. Here’s a calendar you can access immediately👇🏽

    1. Set a date to batch create your content.
    2. Use your automation tools to set it and forget it

    And there you have it.

    Here’s to a successful June🥂
