We are brilliant business owners and entrepreneurs who know our stuff and are passionate about our message.

Yet, one challenge we face over and over again in our online marketing is staying consistent with our content.

Yup, been there…even as a content marketer!

There are several reasons why this is the case. But, one of the biggest blockers is coming up with ideas for your content.

What do I post about today? I don’t know what to talk about that I haven’t already talked about before. There’s only so many ways I can say the same thing!

This is what stops many of us from getting our powerful message out into the world.

Now, if you had a seamless strategy that helps you come up with good topics for your posts, I believe you would use that method every single time.

Today, I want to share that simple tactic. It’s proven and used to build content plans for months and quarters at a time. 

By using this method, your content will align with your core business and take your followers on a journey so your content isn’t all over the place.

It’s called The Theme Method.

Using Themes to Create Your Content Strategy

This 4-minute video explains how you can begin creating themes for each month to help you come up with ideas for your content weeks in advance. 

Does this Help?!

I want to hear from you! Let me know if this helped you gain clarity in creating a content plan and overcoming the struggle of not knowing what to blog or post about.

Drop your comments below or shoot me an email at charlene@slayyourcontent.com

Much success!

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