by Charlene | Dec 17, 2024
*This article was originally posted December 20th, 2020. So you’re probably asking yourself, “why is my email open rate so low?” or simply wondering how to get more subscribers to engage with your email. The answer can be found in one key area: your subject lines. You...
by Charlene | Mar 5, 2024
Do you know your ideal client? If you’re super clear on… → Their goals and dreams, → What keeps them up at night, → Their biggest challenges and pain points, → Why you’re the best fit for them, etc. Then you can exit stage left and enjoy this fabulous day☀️ But if...
by Charlene | Feb 28, 2024
Question for you, sis… What do you slay?! We’re talking in business. What’s the special thing you do differently that no one in the world can duplicate? The answer to this question is your secret sauce. Or, in other words, your unique selling proposition. You see, in...
by Charlene | May 22, 2022
You’re probably aware that you should have a content strategy for your business. But, what is a content strategy? And what exactly goes into creating one? Such excellent questions for the professional woman turned entrepreneur who wants to make moves in their online...
by Charlene | May 17, 2022
Did you know there’s a simple formula you can follow every time to make great blog and email content? Like you, I’m down for using templates, outlines, and tools that make my work easier and create an easy go-to system to follow over and over again. Plus,...
by Charlene | May 15, 2022
Are you great at what you do but have a hard time catching all that brilliance in writing? I mean, you can literally roll out of bed and do what you do with your eyes closed, yet, when it comes to pouring out your knowledge in a blog post, your mind goes blank. You’re...
by Charlene | Apr 9, 2022
A recent FB group survey completed by smart female entrepreneurs revealed an interesting question: How do I get people to take action with my content? This is a great question because not all content types are the same nor do they produce the same result. In other...
by Charlene | Mar 2, 2022
If you answered yes, I got you! I understand the frustration of… Wanting to create content (whether social media posts, videos, blogs) but not knowing where to startNot creating content for the sake of creating content…you need it to make sense and drive resultsNot...
by Charlene | Apr 18, 2021
There’s no doubt: We👏🏽love👏🏽Michelle👏🏽Obama👏🏽! Her influence, grace, and poise inspires women entrepreneurs all over the world to step it up and be the absolute best at what they do. She empowers people to be greater, overcome obstacles, and make ish happen. The...
by Charlene | Feb 14, 2021
Search engine optimization…also known as SEO. Sure you’ve heard the term, but what exactly is it? And why is it so important for entrepreneurs to have some level of understanding of how SEO works? Because SEO is how people find you on the web–particularly...